About Us

Cordtocordless is an interest-based website, which builds from childhood. It was founded on childhood memories of my watching my brothers work in his shop.

My three younger brothers spend full-time jobs in the wood industry to deliver value to the customers. At 14, I also do practical of my ideas using tools and make some small things of wood.

At teenage During the build of people shops projects, I also try my brother to help to make cabinets, tables, and much more.

Growing up in a Mideast constructive area and this look helps you learn quickly how to make what you need with your own two powerful hands.


I love to use tools and I will try to provide you knowledge about them.

Cord to cordless is the perfect source of information which make you confident while getting

information, picking best product, and tool reviews; which are you mostly use in your daily life for home improvement and other types of your workshop work.

Cord To Cordless is one stop for all the people who used tools for workshops and homework. 

Our team owns how to use tools and know alot of knowledge related to every tool which is used in the workshop, welder, furniture, and many more they provide info on their experience.

Tools used in every workshop and home every person wants to get info about their product and work. We try to cover all the topics like the best cord or cordless product and many more.